Pugh’s Flowers Memphis and Camp Good Grief
Don't forget to visit our facebook page to get the latest updates on the 2011 event. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Camp-Good-Grief-5K-2011/203228926393232
Don't forget to visit our facebook page to get the latest updates on the 2011 event. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Camp-Good-Grief-5K-2011/203228926393232
We deliver our vases to you in these sturdy, no-spill boxes that have handles for easy carrying. This makes it easy to take your floral gift home from the office. Boxes are reuable as you can see!
Here is Pughy in Hawaii, where will he deliver to next????
On July 4th the United States of America will celebrate it's 235th Birthday! On this day in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress, starting the 13 colonies on the road to freedom as a Sovereign nation. This holiday is celebrated with parades, fireworks, and barbecues around country.Fun facts about the [...]
Roses are always in season and especially nice when they are at such a great price. The Red Rose not only carries more meaning than many other color roses, it is also one of the most universal of all symbols. The long, storied history of the red rose has lent it a wealth of significance. [...]
May is the time to say thanks and congratulations for a job well done to graduates and teachers alike. Flowers are always in style and a touch of class and beauty to any celebration.
Help out the Memphis Girl Scout organization by sending this sweet package that includes a delightful pink bouquet and a free box of the favoriteThin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. What better way to tell mom she's sweet!
National Secretaries Week was created in 1952 through the efforts of Harry F. Klemfuss, a New York publicist.Working in conjunction with the National Secretaries Association, later known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals, Klemfuss wanted to encourage more people to consider careers in the secretarial/administrative support field.The official period of celebration was first proclaimed [...]
New Springtime Specials are here. There are a lot of opportunities to send flowers with Easter, Secretaries Week and Mother's Day all on the horizon. Dates to remember: Easter April 24th Secretaries Week April 24 - 30 Mother's Day May 8th Here are some of springtime favorites. We can also make custom arrangements, just call 901-363-6744 [...]
Pictures by Zanone. Pictures Courtesy of Kristen Jones Photography. Pictures courtesy of Aaron Snow Photography